Tehran (Eurasia & Middle East)
Population: 14,339,468
GDP: 10,245 USD
Functional Urban Area: 3,332 km2
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Tehran, Iran's capital, serves as both a city and a province, with the Tehran City Council overseeing municipal affairs and the Mayor of Tehran leading the executive branch. The Tehran Metropolitan Region encompasses Tehran and surrounding municipalities, including cities like Karaj, Eslamshahr, and Ray, spanning parts of Tehran and Alborz provinces. While there is no formal metropolitan coordination mechanism, the Tehran Metro, the largest metro system in the Middle East, enhances metropolitan connectivity across this vast megacity.

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Key findings

Tehran demonstrates significant progress in terms of sustainable transport, with 22% of residents now living near rapid transit services—a significant improvement from just 3% in 2000. While Tehran still faces major issues in terms of road traffic and providing accessible transport for this megacity, this improvement reflects strategic investments in urban infrastructure and enhancing mobility options for its residents.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

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  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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