Amman (Eurasia & Middle East)
Population: 6,847,964
GDP: 1,502 USD
Functional Urban Area: 1,598 km2
Context image


Amman, Jordan's capital, is administered by the Greater Amman Municipality, established to manage the city's rapid growth and urban development. Greater Amman Municipality oversees urban planning, infrastructure, and service delivery within its jurisdiction, which encompasses 22 administrative districts. These districts cover an area of approximately 800 square kilometres and serve a population exceeding four million residents.

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Key findings

Amman has made measurable progress in air quality. NO₂ levels have seen a 20% reduction since 2000 and are well below the regional average. Additionally, CO₂ emissions per capita reflect effective sustainability measures that outperform both regional and global benchmarks.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

Explore Amman’s strengths in:

  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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Available Plan/Strategy

Unavailable Plan/Strategy

Quantitative Indicator

Negative value (Lower values are better)

Plans & Strategies


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