Sydney (Asia & the Pacific)
Population: 5,259,764
GDP: 46,320 USD
Functional Urban Area: 12,368 km2
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Sydney, Australia’s largest city and the capital of New South Wales, is administered by the City of Sydney Council, which manages the central business district and surrounding inner-city areas. The broader Sydney metropolitan area comprises over 30 local government areas, each independently managed. The Greater Sydney Commission, established in 2015, oversees strategic metropolitan planning, transport integration, and infrastructure development, ensuring coordinated growth and sustainability across the metropolitan area.

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Key findings

Sydney recorded a greenness index of 0.5, a 22% improvement since 1990, underscoring sustained efforts to preserve and expand urban greenery. Sydney’s NO₂ levels dropped by 32%well below regional and global averages and nearing the World Health Organisation target. Additionally, 98% of residents have walkable access to public spaces, the highest among all covered cities.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

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  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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Available Plan/Strategy

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Plans & Strategies

Metropolitan area


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