Los Angeles

Los Angeles (North America)
Population: 17,650,458
GDP: 61,920 USD
Functional Urban Area: 83,681 km2
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Los Angeles, with over 200 cities in its metropolitan area, is a megacity that operates through a layered governance system, involving a clear division of responsibilities between city, county and state. Additionally, metropolitan entities like the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the Southern California Association of Governments have a role in regional transportation, land use, and planning needs.

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Key findings

Los Angeles demonstrates remarkable progress in air quality, achieving a 62% reduction by 2019, outperforming both historical levels and global averages. Meanwhile, bike lane accessibility remains steady at 32% as of 2024, emphasizing a focus on sustainable transport infrastructure.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

Explore Los Angeles’s strengths in:

  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

Hover Touch to uncover each dimension’s key indicators and scores.

Available Plan/Strategy

Unavailable Plan/Strategy

Quantitative Indicator

Negative value (Lower values are better)

Plans & Strategies

Los Angeles

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