Mexico City

Mexico City (North America)
Population: 20,535,317
GDP: 23,213 USD
Functional Urban Area: 4,589 km2
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Mexico City, the capital of Mexico and a megacity, functions as both a city and a federal entity, granting it state-level autonomy within Mexico’s federal system. It has its own constitution, legislature, and elected Head of Government. Its metropolitan extent includes multiple neighboring municipalities in two neighbouring states. Governance is shared between federal and local jurisdictions, with coordination through intergovernmental agencies to manage transport, infrastructure, and metropolitan development effectively.

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Key findings

Women represent 55% of local government positions in Mexico City as of 2024, reflecting ongoing progress in gender equity. The city has also made significant improvements in air quality, with particle pollution levels dropping by 67%between 2000 and 2019. Similarly, NO₂ levels decreased by 41% over the same period.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

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  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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