Lisbon (Europe)
Population: 3,015,099
GDP: 38,343 USD
Functional Urban Area: 4,315 km2
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Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, forms the core of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, a formal entity comprising the Municipality of Lisbon and 17 surrounding municipalities. The Lisbon Metropolitan Area coordinates metropolitan functions such as spatial planning, transportation, and economic development, balancing Lisbon's dynamic urban and economic growth with the needs of peripheral areas. This formal cooperation framework promotes greater cohesion and sustainability across the metropolitan area.

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Key findings

Lisbon performs very well in terms of air quality and public space accessibility. With a 43% improvement since 2000, its particle pollution levels are among the region's lowest and nearing the World Health Organisation target. NO₂ levels have also reduced by 37% since 2000, reflecting significant progress in reducing urban pollution. Public space accessibility is robust, with 98% of residents having access to nearby open spaces, surpassing regional benchmarks. These figures highlight Lisbon's efforts to improve environmental quality and urban livability.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

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  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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Available Plan/Strategy

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