La Paz (Latin America & the Caribbean)
Population: 2,125,936
GDP: 961 USD
Functional Urban Area: 745 km2
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La Paz, Bolivia's administrative capital, functions as both a city and a department. The Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz manages urban affairs within the city, while the broader metropolitan area includes neighboring municipalities. Although there is no formal metropolitan governance structure, these municipalities collaborate on urban development initiatives to address shared challenges.

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Key findings

La Paz stands out in terms of education accessibility, with 92% of its population living within walking distance of educational facilities. CO₂ emissions per capita are also well below regional and global averages. In terms of gender representation, 46% of local government positions are held by women, reflecting significant progress toward gender equity.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

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  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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