Kyiv (Europe)
Population: 3,211,394
GDP: 35,862 USD
Functional Urban Area: 3,385 km2
Context image


Kyiv, Ukraine's capital, operates as a city with special status, providing it with powers similar to those of a region. The Kyiv City Council handles local governance, led by the Mayor of Kyiv. The metropolitan area includes parts of the Kyiv Oblast, and efforts are ongoing to develop a legal framework for metropolitan governance to enhance coordination between the city and surrounding municipalities.

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Key findings

Kyiv’s CO₂ emissions per capita recorded a 79% reduction in 2020 since earlier records. . In addition, it showcases consistent advancements in rapid transit accessibility, rising to 30% in 2024. However, these metrics will be heavily affected by the ongoing conflict and subsequent reconstruction efforts. This platform doesn't currently track the city's long-term financial and socioeconomic challenges.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

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  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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Available Plan/Strategy

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Quantitative Indicator

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