Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires (Latin America & the Caribbean)
Population: 14,870,876
GDP: 36,936 USD
Functional Urban Area: 5,376 km2
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Buenos Aires, Argentina's capital, is an autonomous city with provincial-level powers. It is not administratively part of Buenos Aires Province, despite being entirely surrounded by it. The Greater Buenos Aires or Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area extends into the Province, encompassing the city and 24 surrounding municipalities. This delineation is recognized by Argentina's National Institute of Statistics and Census for statistical and planning purposes. However, Greater Buenos Aires does not constitute a single administrative unit or formal metropolitan government; instead, it functions as a legally defined planning region and one of Latin America’s largest megacities.

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Key findings

Buenos Aires demonstrates progress in local representation, service access, and air quality. Women hold 40% of local government positions, exceeding regional benchmarks. The city also leads in healthcare accessibility among Latin American counterparts, with 87% of residents living within walking distance of facilities. Particle pollution levels are well below the regional average, while NO₂ levels improved by 36% since between 2000 and 2019.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

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  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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Available Plan/Strategy

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Quantitative Indicator

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Buenos Aires

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