Bamako (Africa)
Population: 4,467,633
GDP: 628 USD
Functional Urban Area: 700 km2
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Bamako, Mali's capital, is divided into six communes, each managed by elected mayors and councils. In 2018, the Grand Bamako initiative was launched as a metropolitan framework uniting the District Town Hall of Bamako, its six communes, and 19 peri-urban municipalities. This initiative aims to enhance urban planning, infrastructure development, and service delivery, fostering greater collaboration and cohesion across the metropolitan area to address the needs of a rapidly growing urban population.

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Key findings

In 2023, 71% of the Bamako urban area’s residents lived within a walkable distance of public spaces, the highest among covered African cities and significantly above the regional average of 43%. Additionally, in 2024, 89% of residents lived within a walkable distance of educational facilities, surpassing both the regional average of 65% and the global average of 76%. These achievements reflect the city’s efforts to improve the accessibility of vital public amenities.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

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  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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