Cairo (Africa)
Population: 29,827,543
GDP: 9,076 USD
Functional Urban Area: 4,348 km2
Context image


Cairo, Egypt’s capital city, spans multiple governorates, including parts of Cairo, Giza, and Qalyubiya, collectively forming the Greater Cairo Region, a megacity and the largest metropolitan area in Africa by population. The commuting zone of the Greater Cairo Region also extends into other neighboring governorates. Governance is highly centralized, with governors appointed by the president overseeing issues of local administration. Although there are no elected local governments, ongoing efforts focus on improving coordination across governorates to address challenges in urban planning, infrastructure, and service delivery.

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Key findings

Cairo has achieved notable progress in improving access to sanitation facilities. The proportion of the population with access to improved, non-shared sanitation facilities increased from 95% in 2000 to 100% in 2022, reflecting significant strides in public health infrastructure for this megacity.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

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  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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Available Plan/Strategy

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Quantitative Indicator

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