Manila (Asia & the Pacific)
Population: 29,112,445
GDP: 5,061 USD
Functional Urban Area: 4,873 km2
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Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is part of Metro Manila, officially known as the National Capital Region, which comprises the City of Manila, 15 other “cities”, and one smaller “municipality”’. The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, established in 1995, coordinates services across this large megacity. The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority’s functions include urban planning, traffic management, waste disposal, and flood control. Each local government unit within Metro Manila retains political autonomy, presenting challenges in unified metropolitan governance.

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Key findings

Manila has made notable strides in gender representation, with 76% of elected local government positions held by women, the highest proportion among cities in the Asia-Pacific region. Furthermore, 74% of residents have walkable access to public spaces, exceeding the regional average of 62%.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

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  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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