Kathmandu (Asia & the Pacific)
Population: 3,959,281
GDP: 1,975 USD
Functional Urban Area: 488 km2
Context image


Kathmandu, Nepal's capital, operates as a Metropolitan City within the Bagmati Province. The Kathmandu Metropolitan City Office manages 32 sub-city districts, each with elected representatives. The broader Kathmandu Valley includes neighboring municipalities, with metropolitan coordination facilitated through inter-municipal agreements and collaborative initiatives.

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Key findings

84% of Kathmandu’s residents live within a walkable distance of healthcare services, and 91% have walkable access to educational facilities—both significantly above regional and global averages. Additionally, 81% of residents have access to public spaces, far exceeding the regional average of 62%. These metrics underscore Kathmandu’s strong emphasis on accessible social infrastructure and livability.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

Explore Kathmandu’s strengths in:

  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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Available Plan/Strategy

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Quantitative Indicator

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