Douala (Africa)
Population: 4,410,552
GDP: 523 USD
Functional Urban Area: 360 km2
Context image


Douala, Cameroon's economic capital, is governed by the Urban Community of Douala, which oversees the sub-city districts (Douala I through Douala VI). The metropolitan area also includes surrounding municipalities that collaborate on urban planning and service delivery. Coordination is facilitated through regional planning frameworks and inter-municipal agreements to manage urban growth and infrastructure development.

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Key findings

Douala recorded a 12% reduction in NO₂ levels since 2000. This figure puts Douala among the best performers in that regard, well below the regional average as well as the global target as set by the World Health Organisation.

Key figures

Indicators at a glance

Explore Douala’s strengths in:

  • Resilience,
  • Inclusion,
  • Governance and
  • Innovation.

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Available Plan/Strategy

Unavailable Plan/Strategy

Quantitative Indicator

Negative value (Lower values are better)

Plans & Strategies


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